
Adornes Returns: The 600 yr Anniversary of Anselm Adornes

Anselm Adornes was born on the 8 December 1424 in Bruges to Pieter Adornes and Elisabeth Bradericx. In 2024, 600 years after Anselm’s birth, the Adornes Estate will be organising a series of activities to mark this important anniversary. As part of this program of year long events, we will be organising some activities in…

Gaelic and Scottish Manuscripts at CRC

Spent a fantastic few hours on 4 December being introduced to the Gaelic manuscripts in CRC at Edinburgh University Library. There was a particularly interesting series of medical texts and fragments dating to the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: The McBeath Gaelic Medical Manuscript, 16th century, a late-15th C Materia medica, a fragment of the treatise…

‘Scotland on Parchment’ has Funding!

I am completely delighted to announce that the project ‘Scotland on Parchment: Scraped, Limned and Bound’ has received generous funding from the Paul Mellon Centre. This will allow for trips to Glasgow, Cambridge, Oxford, London, Windsor, Dundee, Durham, Paisley, Paris and Boulogne-sur-mer…… phew. Next year will be busy. Many more manuscript encounters to come!